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Next chapter-> Datapoint definition

Konténerek filozófiája

Az adatpontok fastruktúrájának alapja a konténerek. A konténerek nem a fizikai alrendszer adatpontjai. Egyfajta logikai csomópontjai (szülői) fizikai adatpontoknak vagy másik konténereknek. A konténerek mindig megöröklik a státuszát a gyerek adatpontjainak.

A fa megjelenítésben használd a legördülő menüt új konténer létrehozására.

Fizikai konténerek

A fizikai konténert az különbözteti meg a logikai konténertől hogy az alatta levő alrendszer/ek kommunikációs protokollját és annak beállításait is tartalmazza.

Amikor létrehozol egy konténert akkor ott kommunikációs paramétereket is be lehet állítani. Ezen paraméterek általában az IP cím, alrendszer tipusa, port szám... A fizikai konténer alá lehet adatpontokat importálni az alrendszerek metafile-jából, melyek ezt követően a fizikai konténer gyerek csomópontjai lesznek.

Logical containers

When you create a logical container leave the communication parameters blank. You can create a free topology of logical containers. Under a certain container you can create an another one as its child.

Datapoint reorganization

Under a physical container you can define datapoints. In most case it is done by an automatic import procedure. In many case the inherited datapoint hierarchy is not as convenient as it should be on management system level. To achieve a user friendly datapoint hierarhy it is possible to move the datapoint from a physical container into a logical container. Any datapoints can be moved under any logical container. Under a certain logical container you can mix different type of datapoints without any restriction. Important: Programatically the datapoints are linked to its original physical container too. Consequently during a subsequent metafile import, those datapoints are also refreshed that have already been moved to an other logical container. Thus the metafile imports should always be initiated in its original physical container.

For your convenient first split your tree window. This makes it easier to drag&drop datapoint beetwen containers.

In datapoint tree, drag one or more datapoint under a physical container and drop them into a logical container. Children nodes of the selected datapoint will also be moved to the new location. Logical containers will inherit the status of their new chidren datapoints.

Dedicated containers

Using popup menu of a container in tree view, select Edit container... In the dialog mark the "Dedicated" checkbox.


A container will appear on the bottom of event list window. It will contains small lamps that reflect to the event categories and behave as collective signals of the children nodes of the corresponding container. Its caption is inherited from the first two letter of its container.

Next chapter-> Datapoint definition