Datapoint definition
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Datapoint definition can happen basically two different way:
- Automatic import of a specific subsystem metafile
- Manual datapoint definition
Different subsystems require diferent methods.
SIEMENS Algorex datapoint import

Algorex metafile is produced by CC11li32.EXE metafile generator, that is a SIEMENS product and included in the Algorex editor package.
First an Algorex container should be created (see: Containers).
During import just right-click on a physical container and select update from metafile. Pick up the relevant metafile. After import the Algorex datapoint structure appears in the datapoint tree.
During subsequent metafile import only those datapoint are overwritten that really changed in the latest metafile. Deleted datapoint will also be deleted.
Datapoint name will never change if it was renamed in the management system level. Such datapoints can be highlighted by icons in the tree.

Before import some parameter has to be set:
- Device address: control unit address.
- Sub-Line(Hi): in case of UDS1100 is to be set 0
- Sub-Line(Lo): in case of UDS1100 is to be set 1.

Under an Algorex physical container the Device nodes shows the protocol features. They list the control units and the lantronix also. There you can see the address of control units that are imported under a container.
SIEMENS Sinteso datapoint import
Sinteso editor can generate a Sibx.xml file that contain the datapoint structure of entire site. Just right-click on physical container of Sinteso and select import from metafile. After import the Sinteso datapoint structure appears in the tree.
SD3 fire control panel datapoint import
SD3 use Jbus to communicate with a host system. JBUS has to be enabled in SD3 panel. Lantronix device server is used to convert RS422 line to ethernet and convert JBUS data communication to TCP/IP. During commissioning the SD3 datapoints are downloaded from the control unit through JBUS. First you have to properly configure both Lantronix and JBUS. Then enable the communication in SIWENOID and the datapoints and its hierarchy is automatically uploaded from SD3 panel and inserted into the tree of application. This is called initialization.
CCTV DVR definition
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