Logical editor
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Logical editor

The Logical editor can be reached this way:
Right click on the main screen > Preferences > Menu button > Logical editor button
With the logical editor we can easily create automated events. We can import rules,
and we can create rules on our own, which we can save for later use as well.
We can choose elements from 3 different groups.
- Physical input - It represents a GPIO.
- Time input - It generates time impulses.
- TCP Client - It represents a TCP Client.
- TCP Petrol - ACIS protocol, essentially it's a TCP Client as well.
- And - Logical "AND", true, if all inputs are true. With the number in the center of the box, we can define how many inputs we'd like.
- Or - Logical "OR", true, one of the inputs are true. With the number in the center of the box, we can define how many inputs we'd like.
- XOr - "Exclusive OR", it's like the OR, only here if both inputs are true then the output is false.
- Not - Inverts the input values (Ture > False, True > False)
- If true - If the input is ture, executes the procedures after it. If the input is false, it doesn't perform it.
- If false - If the input is false, executes the procedures after it. If the input is true, it doesn't perform it.
- On change - If the input changes, executes the procedures after it.
- Gate - Due to the red logical input transfers from the other input values or not.
- Switch - Double click it, you can write a little program in it, if it's activated the program executes.
- Splitter - Splits the input value to multiple outputs. With the number in the center of the box, we can define how many outputs we'd like.
- Synchronizer - Synchronizes the inputs, and forwards them at the same time. With the number in the center of the box, we can define how many inputs we'd like.
- Delay - Delays the transfer with the number defined in box. The delay is in seconds.
- == - Checks equality with the number defined in the box. Returns true/false.
- < - Checks if the number defined in the box is greater than the input. Returns true/false.
- <= - Checks if the number defined in the box is greater or equals to the input. Returns true/false.
- > - Checks if the number defined in the box is smaller than the input. Returns true/false.
- >= - Checks if the number defined in the box is samller or equals to the input. Returns true/false.
- Camera preset - Pops a predefined camera preset, if activated.
- Matrix control - Pops a predefined matrix control, if activated.
- TCP Client - Same as the input one.
- ALPR - If activated, starts the Automatic License Plate Recognition service.
- TTS - If activated, starts the Text to Speach service.
- MsgBox - If activated, pops a MessageBox.
- AlarmSound - If activated, starts and AlarmSound.