Manual installation
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Launch manual installation
Manual instalaltion is necessary in the following case:
- you already have MySQL installation on the PC
- You want to install only server or only client on a PC
- You have to define special installation folder, port number
- you want to install the less components you need
Extract the installation zip into a folder. Then launch "start-manual-windows.bat".
Installation of server application

Select "Install" and then "Next>>".

Select server application to be installed then "Next>>".

Select software components. Some are mandatories some are optionals. Then "Next>>".

MySQL specific parameters. Always remember root and username password! Server port "3306" is default. In some case it can conflict existing installations. Use "Test" to make sure that it is not used on current computer.

You get this message if a port has been used. Increment port number and test again.

You get this message if it is OK. Then select "Next>>".

Select destination folder for server installation. Use "Browse..." to select or create destination folder. Always create a separate server and client folder. Never install them in the same folder.

Create or select installation folder of server. Then click "Next>>" on previous dialog.

Simply click "Next>>".

Define the parameters of MySQL installation. If you changed the port number before, then specify it in IP address. Passwords should be the same you defined before. When the parameters are filled in then "Test connection".

If connection succesfully tested then click "Next>>".

RMI service is the communication channel between server-client. 1899 is a standard port number. In most case it can remain on default. Click "Next>>".

This port is also standard. Leave default. Click "Next>>".

Simply click "Finish" without launching configuration utility. Utility is for advanced users.