Manual installation
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Launch manual installation
Extract the installation zip into a folder. Then launch "start-manual-windows.bat".
Installation of server application

Select "Install" and then "Next>>".

Select server application to be installed then "Next>>".

Select software components. Some are mandatories some are optionals. Then "Next>>".

MySQL specific parameters. Always remember root and username password! Server port "3306" is default. In some case it can conflict existing installations. Use "Test" to make sure that it is not used on current computer.

You get this message if a port has been used. Increment port number and test again.

You get this message if it is OK. Then select "Next>>".

Asterix marked components are mandatories, while others are optionals depending on the connected subsystems or required functions. (Cerberus modul concerns to CC11 and CC440, while BACnet concerns to Sinteso and CerberusPro control units).