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How to use the maps

The Maps can be reached this way:
Right click on the main scren > Show Devices > Maps
You can add a new map this way:
Right click on the main screen > Show Devices > Add button > Add Map
When you add a new map, you have to give it a name, and a filepath. You can invert the colors of the map, to work easier with it.
You can delete a map, by right clicking on it, and click on the Delete button.

The map can be displayed by dragging into a cell of the matrix. With the scroll wheel of the mouse you can zoom in and out. If you scroll down it zooms in, if you scroll up it zooms out.

By checking in the little box in the upper right corner, you can enable the editing mode. When it's enabled, you can drag any camera on the map. When this happens, a little icon appears, which has several options.
We can reposition it, and with the CTRL button pressed, this can be more precise.
It can be turned by pressing down the ALT button.
A SHIFT gomb segítségével a kamera fókusza állítható.
The focus can be set by pressing down the SHIFT button.
With the ALT+SHIFT combination the viewing angle can be edited.

If you double click the sight of the camera, the camera footage appears in the upper left corner of the matrix.