Create map
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Datapoints can be shown on maps as dynamic icons. A map always contains a background image and several foreground dynamic symbols.
Create a map

Use Menu->Maps->New map... to create a new map. An empty map opens.

First, you should use a picture as a map, select Map_menu->Set_size... to tell the system the size of the picture (by pixels). It should correspond to the background images dimensions. If you forget to do so, the background picture will be streched to resize the map to the set size.
After pre-setting the size of the the image, select Map_menu->Set_picture... to upload the image as a map. Use file selection dialog to select the background map from the computer. Several image formats are supported (like bmp, jpg, png, gif). Image files are always uploaded to \server\data\maps\ folder even if they were selected from a client.
Then application takes care of the synchronization of the content of \server\data\maps\ and \client\data\maps\. This is hidden from the user and commissioner. This technic also ensures that the map images are not copied back and forth from server to client. The synchronized copies are stored in a local client folder.

Set the name of the map at the bottom of the map window. Here you can assign the current map to a group. Map groups can be defined in Menu->Maps->New_map_group...
Always save the map using Map_Menu->Save.... A star indicates in the caption if a map has been modified but still not have been saved.
Add a dynamic icon to a map
Open the tree and drag&drop any datapoint onto the map. Datapoint will appear with its default icon. Its position can be changed later by drag&move&drop it. By using popup menu it is possible to change the default icon of a datapoint. If you want to change multiple datapoints together use the Settings menu of the map window.

Default map assignment

A datapoint can have several icons on the same map and they can be placed on more than one map. In this case it is necessary to define which map should open when the user clicks on the map button of an event in EventViewer. Find the datapoint on the map, and right click on the icon. A popup menu opens. Here you can "Remove map from defaults" and "Add map to defaults". More than one map can be assigned as default to a datapoint. In this case each default map will open when you click on the map button of an event in EventViewer.

You can also assign a datapoint to a map which doesn't contain the datapoint itself. This is useful when you want a datapoint to be assigned to a map where its parent datapoint is assigned (but itself isn't). Find the datapoint in the tree, and bring up the popup menu by right-clicking on it. Select "Edit map assignments...". A list appears with all maps. Checkboxes show if the map is set to be the default map to the selected datapoint. You can select as many maps as you want. Each map will open when you click on the map button of an event in EventViewer.
Add a link to another map

Open "List of maps" dialog from Menu->Maps->Map list. Here you can find all of the maps that are defined in your project. Select any map from the list and drag&drop it onto an opened map. A green icon will appear, representing the map. If you click on it, the associated map opens.
A map can contain any number of map links, and one map can be assigned to any number of other maps.
When you drop the map icon onto an existing datapoint icon then it aligns automatically on the left side of the existing icon. With this feature a parent datapoint and its "children map" can be easily kept together.
Add a print icon to a map
Change the appearance of an icon

Right-click on an icon and from the popup menu select Set custom image. In the file dialog select an image for the icon. It will be stretched to the size needed.
From the maps Settings menu open "Map settings". This dialog lists the dynamic icons and elements of the map. You can change the size and positions of the corresponding fields. Use the check flags to make changes on multiple elements. In this case type the values on the separated, top-most input fields.
On the bottom of the dialog you can set the default button size for the upcoming dynamic icons.
Use the "show grid" checkbox to lay a grid onto the map. If you press ALT while dragging an icon, its top-left corner will be aligned to the closest grid on drop.

Map layers
With the built-in drawing tool you can draw simple objects on layers. You can use line, arrow or text. Layers can be switched on and off and the related drawn objects can be visible or hidden.
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