Bosch configuration
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Configuring Bosch FPA5000 control unit
Bosch FPA5000 uses ethernet port to communicate with Siwenoid.
In FSP5000 create an FSI server node under nodes.

(The default Net Node, Group and RSN must be ok) Edit FSI server node's ip properties,
this IP Address will be the remote PC's IP. Multicast Address is also neccessary for siwenoid so as Port Number.
Make sure your FSI server is assigned to every node.

The node's (in which the ethernet cable will be plugged in) IP address (CP's IP),
multicast address (same as FSI server), and Port (same as FSI server) are also required to set in. Set the same on control panel.

Set the insterted OPC server license for the slot it is plugged in.
Validate every node's FSI server.
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