Satel configuration/hu
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Configuring Satel Integra
User Management

A felhasználói funkciók használatához szüksége van olyan eszközre, ami támogatja ezt a funkciót. Ilyen például a Satel Integra behat. központ is. Ha az adatpont hierarchiában a Satel konténerére kattint a jobb egérgombbal, egy felugró menü jelenik meg.
Ha a konténer megfelelően lett konfigurálva (például már működik rajta az adatpontok böngésszése funkcó) és van jogosultsága a felhasználók kezeléséhez, a "Felhasználók kezelése" menüpont is megjelenik.

The User management window contains the actual user informations that in the device currently stored. The lines of the users are clickables, and can use to show or edit (if you have permission) the selected user's preferences.

There are severel tabs to separate different properties to change. On General tab you can find the Username and the Passcode (or password) field. On Satel Integra here you can find the User type and warning messages as well.
If you want to edit a user, you don't have to fill the Passcode field. If you leave it blank, the Passcode won't change.
Tips: On Satel Integra supports the Usernames up to 16 characters, and the Passcode up to 8 numbers. (Siwenoid will check if some of them are longer. But it accepts shorter passcodes then 4 characters however in general on Satel Integra the minimum lenght of passcode is 4 characters.)

There is a Rights tab, which contains the available user rights on the used device. The selected user will have the permissions that were checked.
User time is a special number to represent the Scheduled user's schedule time, or if the user type is time renewable, it means the availablity time.
Partitions tab contains the user's partitions to have permission to access.
To apply edited attributes on the selected user, click on Save button at the bottom right of the user's editor box. To remove the seleceted user, click on the Remove button at the bottom right of the user's editor box.
To add a new user, click on the New User button at the bottom right of the User management window. A new blank expanded user entity will appear. Just enter the parameters and click on Save button to apply or to the Remove button to cancel.