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UDS1100 device server

Siwenoid Lantronix gyártmányú UDS1100 Siwenoid use Lantronix UDS1100 device server to communicate with Siemens Algorex CS11 system. An UDS1100 must contain a special firmware, that is provided by our company. Then Siwenoid can connect to an UDS1100 through LAN or internet. Serial port of UDS1100 is connected to the E3H020/21 gateway card of CS11 system. Gateway communication has to be set to 1200 baud and ISO1745 protocol. CS11 system can contain several control unit.
UDS1100 parameters can be edited through telnet (9999 port). A firmware specific http://x.x.x.x/index.cgi web server page can be reached in an UDS1100. It shows the application specific status of communication ports.